Starship Enterprise XCV-330 (c2100)

The Starship Enterprise XCV-330 was an early spacecraft operating prior to 2143. This ship borrowed from Vulcan technology, as evidenced by its similarity to many Vulcan starships.

Starship Enterprise XCV-330 Bridge (c2100)

Directly accessible only by ladder, the command center for the Starship Enterprise XCV-330 served as the hub for mission operations. The room consisted of a single command chair with a dedicated control surface, along with room for additional bridge officers surrounding a central holographic display surface. Several display screens adorn the outer walls, with a main viewscreen at the forward end of the room.


Ship Model (Concept)

As portrayed in Star Trek: The Original Series (Production Artwork, 1964)

This design was one of the earliest concepts by art director Walter “Matt” Jefferies in 1964 during development of the original U.S.S. Enterprise. The design first appeared in Star Trek as a painting in the recreation deck set of the refitted U.S.S. Enterprise in Star Trek: The Motion Picture. The concept was also used in a proposed series devised by Gene Roddenberry in the 1970s.

Bridge Set (Concept)

As portrayed in an unnamed series proposal (Production Artwork, c1970)

The command center of the Starship Enterprise XVC-330 was envisioned in a series of concept art for a proposed television series devised by Gene Roddenberry in the 1970s. Its design was a departure from the bridges we’d seen in early Star Trek productions, but still retained some familiar elements like a central command pit and large main viewing screen.
