U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-E (2375)

The U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-E was a Sovereign-class starship launched under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard in 2372. In 2375, the crew led an insurrection against the Son’a Command’s forced relocation of the Ba'ku people from their homeworld. It was the sixth Federation starship to bear the name Enterprise.

U.S.S. Enterprise-E Bridge | Deck 1 (2375)

The Enterprise-E bridge was a departure from previous designs, being the largest in the lineage when it was introduced. Control stations were placed on multiple levels and around the periphery of most of the room. At the very center were the conn and ops stations. The command chair sat directly behind them, with two support seats for the first officer and ship's counselor flanking it. Two standing tactical stations were placed behind these chairs, while the side walls contained most of the support stations like engineering and science. At the very back of the bridge was a large master systems display showing the status of all the ship's systems. A more traditional viewscreen was installed sometime prior to 2375 to replace the holographic viewscreen used previously.

Production Info

Ship Model (Digital)

As portrayed in Star Trek: Insurrection (Film, 1998)

The U.S.S. Enterprise-E was designed by John Eaves. For Star Trek: Insurrection, the producers decided to complete the transition into the digital realm and that this would be the first Star Trek movie without the time-honored motion-control model photography. The digital model used in this film was created by Santa Barbara Studios by re-digitizing the Enterprise using the original miniature.

Bridge Set (Physical)

As portrayed in Star Trek: Insurrection (Film, 1998)

The U.S.S. Enterprise-E bridge remained largely unchanged from the previous film, with the exception of the front end, where a new, more traditional viewscreen was added in place of the previous holographic one, as the producers disliked the blank wall and opted instead to return the traditional viewer. Other small changes include the removal of the consoles for Riker’s and Troi’s chairs, and blue vertical lines being added to the doors.
