U.S.S. Defiant NX-74205 (2371)

The U.S.S. Defiant NX-74205 was a Federation starship launched in 2370 and assigned to the space station Deep Space 9 in the Bajor Sector. The prototype for a proposed new class of escort intended to improve Starfleet’s ability to defend against a possible Borg offensive, the Defiant was equipped with quantum torpedo launchers and protected by ablative armor plating, giving it exceptional offensive and defensive capabilities. It played a key role in the Dominion War until its destruction during the final days of the conflict.

U.S.S. Defiant NX-74205 Bridge | Deck 1 (2371)

Much smaller than other Starfleet bridges of the era, the Defiant’s bridge was as focused and utilitarian as the rest of the starship’s design. The captain’s chair was placed on a raised platform at the center of the room with a single helm console directly in front of it. The sides of the room featured four seated stations, two of which were tactical consoles and the others were engineering and science. Directly behind these stations were the egress doors, which connected to the rest of deck 1. The back of the bridge featured a retractable situation table for the crew to gather and discuss matters of importance, such as upcoming mission briefings

Production Notes:

Ship Model (Physical)

As portrayed in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (TV, 1992-1999)

The U.S.S. Defiant was created for the third season of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, as the writers felt they needed a powerful starship to realistically defend the station after the Jem’Hadar were introduced at the end of the previous season. The Defiant was designed by Jim Martin, who after many iterations, ended up basing the shape of the vessel on his unused concept for a Maquis raider. The Defiant’s design thus eschews many of the established design guidelines for Federation starships, such as having a raised bridge module or nacelles separated from the main body of the ship.

Bridge Set (Physical)

As portrayed in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - “The Search, Part 1” (TV, 1994)

The bridge of the U.S.S. Defiant was constructed over the summer of 1994, under production designer Herman Zimmerman, for its introduction in the series’ third season. In a departure from previous Federation ship interiors, it featured smaller hatch-style doors that didn’t reach all the way to the floor and a raised platform at the center instead of a sunken pit. These elements, along with the darker color scheme and lighting, gave the bridge a somewhat claustrophobic feel. After filming was completed on “The Search”, the bridge was extensively modified before its next appearance in “Equilibrium”.
