I.R.W. Khazara (2369)

The Imperial Romulan Warbird Khazara was a D'deridex-class vessel in service with the military of the Romulan Empire in the mid-24th century.  It was under the command of Commander Toreth in 2369, in which the ship served as an unwitting participant in an effort led by Ambassador Spock to allow Vice-Proconsul M'ret and two of his aides to defect to the Federation.

The D'deridex-class, also referred to as the B-type warbird or simply warbird class starship, was among the largest and most formidable ships of the Romulan Star Empire. It was the cornerstone of the Romulan fleet during the latter part of the 24th century.

I.R.W. Khazara Bridge (2369)

The main bridge of the I.R.W. Khazara was located on an upper level of the starship, near the forward upper portion of the primary hull. The swiveling command chair was situated on a raised platform in the center of the bridge. This same raised platform had a control console on the port side, generally used by a single member of the bridge crew. The forward bulkhead of the bridge contained a large main viewscreen, with a standing console directly between the command platform and the viewscreen. On either side of the forward portion of the bridge were two further control consoles. The middle portion of the bridge contained yet more control consoles on the port and starboard sides, with the main difference being that the port side contained a very large wall console, whilst the starboard side contained the single entry hatch to the adjoining conference room. The center aft of the bridge contained a standing console in the middle, just forward of a short hallway which allowed access to the rest of the ship.

Production Notes:

Ship Model (Physical)

As portrayed in Star Trek: The Next Generation - “Face Of The Enemy” (TV, 1993)

The D'deridex-class warbird was the final new ship designed by Andrew Probert for Star Trek: The Next Generation, with his approved design sketch dating March 21, 1988.  Probert explained, "The Romulan Bird-of-Prey from The Original Series had a bird design on it, and I wanted to maintain that theme. So, I started with bird and bird wing shapes, eventually arriving at a design similar to what is seen on screen. My concept was to have one engine above and one below, creating a vertical design to contrast with the Enterprise's horizontal configuration." However, producers later requested that the design be made horizontal. Probert adapted his preliminary drawings, continuing the birdlike motif from his earlier sketches.

The original studio model, made of cast resin and acrylic plastic, was built by Greg Jein in the month following the design's approval. Measuring 36 inches wide, 25 inches long, and 10 inches tall, it debuted in "The Neutral Zone" and was last seen as stock footage in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode "By Inferno's Light."

Bridge Set (Physical)

As portrayed in Star Trek: The Next Generation - “Face Of The Enemy” (TV, 1993)

The Romulan bridge set seen in “Face of the Enemy” was one of at least four variations of the D'deridex bridge seen in a Star Trek production.  It was constructed primarily of elements that were used to represent other Romulan ship interiors in previous episodes. The set was designed by Richard James. He stated “We played off of Romulans having a motif represented by certain colors. We do that for identification so that certainly the Romulans would not have everything that would look just like Earth society. For us to graphically sell the idea of it being Romulan, we need to do it well with the sets, make-up and costumes which are Romulan colors. It helps to reinforce the idea that this is Romulan territory and it was not that much of a challenge because we played off of what's been established for Romulan ships… We had rooms that we'd never been into before for the Romulans and we said what would the Romulan plates and silverware look like? You get into all of that – and even simple things like chairs, which you had to design. It's not as though you could go out to the rental store. All these factors come into play."