I.K.S. Bortas (2367)

The I.K.S. Bortas was a Klingon Vor'cha-class attack cruiser that was in service with the Klingon Defense Force in the mid-24th century.  The Bortas served as Chancellor Gowron’s flagship around the time of the Klingon Civil war in 2367-2368.

I.K.S. Bortas Bridge | Deck 1 (2367)

The main bridge of the I.K.S. Bortas was located on Deck 1 of the vessel, accessible only by a single door on the front port side of the bridge. The forward portion of the bridge was dominated by the viewscreen, flanked by the single access door and various pieces of machinery. The swiveling command chair was situated in the center of the room on a stepped platform. On either side of the command chair were four control consoles, allowing the commander to easily and quickly relay commands to their crew. At the rear of the bridge was a raised platform with two aft control consoles, with the port console serving tactical functionality. Additionally in the rear of the bridge were port and starboard strategic tactical displays, allowing the crew to easily monitor the status of both friendly and enemy ships in their respective sectors.

Production Notes:

Ship Model (Physical)

As portrayed in Star Trek: The Next Generation - “Redemption, Pt. 1” (TV, 1991)

The Vor'cha-class attack cruiser was designed by Rick Sternbach, whose design incorporated elements from the first Klingon vessel created by Matt Jefferies for Star Trek: The Original Series. Moreover, he aimed to symbolize the fusion of Klingon and Federation technologies, reflecting the ongoing détente between the two powers. Sternbach decided on a size that was three-quarters the length of a Galaxy-class starship. This specification was accurately followed by Greg Jein, whose company built the studio model, resulting in a model that was three feet long, matching three-quarters of the length of the new four-foot model of the U.S.S. Enterprise-D.

Bridge Set (Physical)

As portrayed in Star Trek: The Next Generation - “Redemption, Pt. 1” (TV, 1991)

The bridge of the Klingon attack cruiser was a redress of the set built to represent the Enterprise-D torpedo bay as seen in the episode “In Theory”, which was shot and aired immediately prior to “Redemption, Pt.1”. Whilst many of the overall structural elements of the set were retained, significant efforts were made to redress the set to evoke the established Klingon design aesthetics, making use of several prefabricated plant-on props, as well as modified versions of existing Klingon displays screens for each of the control consoles.
