Cardassian Galor (2367)

By the late 24th Century, the Galor-class battle cruiser was the primary class of warship in the Cardassian fleet. Within the Galor class, there were multiple subclasses, with the type-3 considered the most powerful. While the more advanced Federation starship classes, such as the Galaxy-class, proved able to hold their own against the Galor-class, other classes, such as the Miranda-class, were often unable to defeat the Galor in battle. By the time of the Dominion War, Starfleet referred to the heavily armed Galor class as “destroyers”.

Production Notes:

Ship Model (Physical)

As portrayed in Star Trek: The Next Generation - “The Wounded” (TV, 1991)

The Galor-class studio model was designed by Rick Sternbach, with assistance from Peter Lauritson, and constructed by Ed Miarecki and Tom Hudson of Science Fiction Modelmaking Associates (SFMA). The 3-foot-long model was reused throughout Star Trek: The Next Generation as well as in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager. It was eventually modified to portray the Keldon-class using removable components that allowed it to revert to the Galor-class if needed.
