I.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 (Mirror Universe, 2267)

The I.S.S. Enterprise was a Terran Empire Constitution-class cruiser that was in service in the mid-23rd century. Sometime prior to 2267, James T. Kirk took command of the Enterprise through the assassination of Captain Christopher Pike.

I.S.S. Enterprise Bridge | Deck 1 (Mirror Universe, 2267)

Located on the first deck of the primary hull, the main bridge of the I.S.S. Enterprise functioned as the ship’s command center. A swiveling command throne was located in a recessed area in the center of the room, granting its captain uninterrupted surveillance of all control consoles that operated specific areas of the ship. Piloting and navigation were carried out at the helm console, directly in front of the captain with a clear view of the main viewing screen. Along the perimeter of the bridge were consoles for communications, sciences, engineering, weapons, and environmental control. A symbol of the Terran Empire was emblazoned across the doors to the turbolift located behind and to port of the captain.


Ship Model (Physical)

As portrayed in Star Trek: The Original Series - “Mirror, Mirror” (TV, 1967)

The Mirror Universe I.S.S. Enterprise was shown using footage shot for “Where No Man Has Gone Before” using a flopped registry number decal on the nacelle, allowing the ship to be shown on the apparent port side.

Bridge Set (Physical)

As portrayed in Star Trek: The Original Series - “Mirror, Mirror” (TV, 1967)

Visual changes for the Mirror Universe bridge of the I.S.S. Enterprise included a taller backrest for the captain’s chair and a Terran Empire logo on the turbolift doors.
