U.S.S. Franklin NX-326 (Kelvin Timeline, 2263)

Constructed in the 22nd century, the U.S.S. Franklin NX-326 was the first Earth ship capable of reaching Warp Factor 4. Under the command of Captain Balthazar Edison, it mysteriously disappeared in 2164, displaced by a wormhole, and eventually crash landed on the planet Altamid. After it was clear that the Federation would not be sending a rescue vessel, Captain Edison turned against the Federation and became the warlord Krall. Nearly a century later, the U.S.S. Enterprise crew discovered the Franklin on the planet Altamid, where it was concealed by a holographic cloak and used as a home by a native of the planet, Jaylah. In its final engagement, the Franklin played a crucial role in defending Starbase Yorktown from Krall's forces, executing a daring maneuver at Yorktown Plaza to intercept Krall’s ship. This led to the Franklin’s ultimate crash landing at the site.

U.S.S. Franklin Bridge | Deck 1 (Kelvin Timeline, 2263)

Unlike typical round or oval bridges, the Franklin featured a coffin shaped layout. The room was organized with two rear consoles, two forward consoles, a helm console, and the centrally located captain's chair. Once a top of the line vessel, the U.S.S. Franklin's bridge showed signs of neglect after 99 years of disuse, with dirt and loose wires now pervasive. 

Production Notes:

Ship Model (Digital)

As portrayed in Star Trek Beyond (Film, 2016)

The U.S.S. Franklin, conceptualized and crafted by Sean Hargreaves & the visual effects designers at Double Negative, underwent numerous iterations during the development of the movie's various screenplays. Initially designated as the U.S.S. Pioneer, it was envisioned as a sizable shuttlecraft with external thrusters affixed by Scotty, along with large cargo doors. However, these concepts were ultimately omitted to align with the final version of the script.

Bridge Set (Physical)

As portrayed in Star Trek Beyond (Film, 2016)

The bridge of the U.S.S. Franklin was initially designed by concept designer Sean Hargreaves.
