I.S.S. Enterprise NX-01 (Mirror Universe, 2155)

The flagship of the Terran Fleet and the first NX-class battle cruiser to enter service, the I.S.S. Enterprise was under the command of Captain Maximillian Forrest. In 2155, a rebellion led by First Officer Jonathan Archer led the ship into Tholian space in search for the temporally displaced U.S.S. Defiant from the Prime Universe. There, Enterprise was discovered and destroyed by Tholian forces.

I.S.S. Enterprise NX-01 Bridge | Deck 1 (Mirror Universe, 2155)

The command bridge of the NX-01 was circular in shape with a heavy emphasis on function over aesthetic. The captain’s command throne was centrally located, with the helm station positioned forward of the captain at a lower elevation. Several duty stations surround the outer edges of the bridge, such as the science and communications stations on the port side, as well as the security and engineering stations on the starboard side. The situation room at the rear of the bridge served as an informal briefing room for command staff. A symbol of the Terran Empire was emblazoned across the doors to the port and starboard turbolifts.


Ship Model (Digital)

As portrayed in Star Trek: Enterprise - “In a Mirror, Darkly” (TV, 2005)

Designed by Doug Drexler and the Star Trek: Enterprise art department under Herman Zimmerman. For the ship’s “Mirror Universe” appearance, additional decals were added to the ship, namely yellow dagger-like shapes and Terran Empire logos on its upper primary hull.

Bridge Set (Physical)

As portrayed in Star Trek: Enterprise - “In a Mirror, Darkly” (TV, 2005)

The bridge set of the NX-01 was modified only slightly for its Mirror universe appearance in “In a Mirror Darkly.”  Terran Empire logos were added to the set’s doorways and display monitors, with some accent lighting changed to red to give the bridge a more dramatic, sinister atmosphere.
