The U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-C was an Ambassador-class starship that served in the early-to-mid 24th century under the command of Captain Rachel Garrett. The ship's destruction defending a Klingon outpost against four Romulan Warbirds eventually led to closer relations between the Klingon Empire and the Federation. It was the fourth Federation vessel to be named Enterprise.
The bridge of the Enterprise-C was a compact design with relatively few stations when compared to previous Enterprise bridges, a trend that would continue on the Enterprise-D due to increased levels of automation. The center of the bridge featured the command chair on a small platform raised above the flight control and tactical stations directly in front of it. Support stations were located alongside the back wall, while the very front of the bridge featured an auxiliary helm and navigation console.
As portrayed in Star Trek: The Next Generation - “Yesterday’s Enterprise” (TV, 1990)
The U.S.S. Enterprise-C was designed by Andrew Probert, then modified by Rick Sternbach. The filming miniature was built by Greg Jein and later used to represent other Ambassador-class starships.
As portrayed in Star Trek: The Next Generation - “Yesterday’s Enterprise” (TV, 1990)
The bridge of the U.S.S. Enterprise-C was only ever seen in a damaged, “half functioning” state. Due to the demands of weekly television schedules, it was a quick re-dress of an existing “swing set” previously used to represent a variety of rooms: from the Enterprise-D battle bridge to science laboratories, offices, and several other starship bridges. The Roddenberry Archive has chosen to depict the bridge as it would have appeared before it incurred battle damage.